We all know the saying, “April showers bring May flowers.” As April and the summer months approach, it is expected that storms will come. One thing to be aware of as this time approaches is that those spring storms have the potential to cause damage to your roof. If you’ve experienced a storm recently and are unsure if your roof is damaged, it may be beneficial to call a well established, reliable roofing contractor to come inspect your damage. 

When a professional comes to check out potential damage, one of the first things they will look for is any damage that may have occurred to other areas of your home. This can include siding, shingles that may have fallen, and any window damage. All these things can be indicators that there is roof damage before even inspecting the roof. The benefit of having a professional come inspect your roof is that they are able to find other issues with the roof that the everyday person may not be aware of. For example, a large storm may come and a homeowner may experience leaking. However, once a roof inspector comes, it may  be determined that it wasn’t the storm that initially caused the leadking, but rotting wood or wet insulation. In time, this saves homeowners money in the long run and less issues to deal with later on down the road. 

Having a professional roofing inspector come inspect your roof regularly also allows them to see roof issues before they become a large problem costing you more money than expected. A good rule of thumb is to consider getting your roof inspected once a year to ensure that any issues at hand are taken care of before being escalated to a larger issue. Since your roof is the first line of defense when it comes to wind, rain, hail and sun, keeping it in pristine condition will allow for many years of protection for your home. Routine inspections do just this as well as requesting an inspection when there has been a storm that may have caused damage. 

Professional inspectors bring a keen eye for roofing concerns when they come and inspect your home. While you yourself may be able to identify major damage, a professional will be able to identify small damage that could lead to something bigger. Professional inspectors have a trained eye for roofing concerns that you won’t have. One major benefit of contacting a professional inspector is that if they do find damage, they make filing an insurance claim an ease. Inspectors will take pictures as well as give a detailed summary of the damage so that you can be at ease when it comes to filing an insurance claim. 

Haynes Construction and Restoration has a myriad of professional roof inspectors that are here for all your roofing needs. We have been family owned and operated for over 40 years! We pride ourselves in our quality workmanship, products, and professional service. We are experts in commercial and residential roofing with a 10 year warranty on all our work. As we begin our descent out of hibernation, give us a call to receive a free roofing estimate. We can be reached at 815.932.5259. We look forward to working with you for all your roofing needs!